Look For These Early Signs of Deck Damage to NJ’s Decks and Plan Repairs Now

Deck Repair Services Nj

Decks in New Jersey take quite a beating—especially over long, cold, volatile winters! That’s why deck repair companies in New Jersey are getting ready for the busy season. If you want to enjoy your deck all summer long without waiting for repairs, you should start planning now. Getting your deck repairs scheduled and completed before Memorial Day guarantees a long summer of fun. Here are some early signs of deck damage that can alert you to the need for repairs.

Schedule Deck Repairs in NJ If Some of Your Deck Gets Icy
This winter, you’ve probably spent some time clearing snow and ice off of your deck. But is there a certain part that always seems to get and stay icy? This is usually a low spot, often caused by sagging boards. While they may look level from the top, persistent water puddles and ice buildup tell a different story. Mark that icy area so your deck repair specialist can evaluate it. Replacing a few boards could help your deck last longer and keep it safer all year.

Not A Mouse? A Squeaky Deck Needs Repair!
Unless there is a family of mice living under your deck, it shouldn’t be squeaky. If your deck floor or stairs are squeaking, that usually means something has come loose. When you fix it early, you’ll never know there was anything wrong—but waiting to fix that “squeaky stair” could damage more of your deck and expose your family and friends to hazards. Don’t wait until the boards, nails, or screws give out—fix the squeak in advance.

Plan Deck Upgrades and Renovations in NJ Now!
Even if your deck is in top condition, you may not be fully satisfied with it. Many homeowners in NJ build decks with built-in seating, fireplaces, or other elements, transforming the humble deck into an outdoor room for socializing, cooking and entertainment. You’ll want these upgrades completed by the time the kids are out of school, so start planning now.
Spring is just around the corner, which means that smart homeowners are planning their deck repair projects now. Call Steel Penn for deck repairs, replacements, or upgrades!
