This is Why You Should Start Your Home Exterior Makeover with Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing In Hardwick Nj

When you’re planning a home exterior makeover in New Jersey, there are lots of steps for you to take. You need to figure out what needs to be replaced, what you want redone, and what can just be spruced up—and then you need to find a skilled home exterior contractor to make it all happen. Before the team at Steel Penn gets started with home exterior makeovers, we like to propose one more service: pressure washing. Keep reading to see why you should pressure wash before your home exterior makeover.

Damaged or Just Dirty? Pressure Washing Services in NJ Help You Decide

Many of your home’s components can look destroyed, but really they are just dirty! If you’re a lucky homeowner, you may find that your “stained” siding cleans up with a good wash, or that your “peeling” roof is actually just covered in thick layers of leaves. A deck that looks hopeless can get much better with a thorough wash, and once you have an idea of what is actually in need of replacement, you can start making the best decisions.

Plan Your Home Exterior Makeover in NJ on a Clean Surface

Even if you’re not lucky enough to find nice, clean things under all that dirt, you want your new home exterior makeover to happen on a clean surface. Why put up new siding for a dirty roof to drip all over? Will your new landscaping really look good on that old, stained sidewalk? Cleaning everything from the start lets you have a nice, clean place to work, and your home will look much better even faster!

The 80/20 Rule of Home Makeovers in NJ

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? Also known as the Pareto rule, this idea first got popular in business, but seems to apply all over the world. It refers to the idea that 80% of the results come from about 20% of the effort, and vice versa. That’s why it was usually pretty easy to get low B grades in school, but getting to an A+ seemed 5 times harder! When you hire a team for a home exterior makeover, you’re putting the work to get your 80%, but the extra work to take it to 100% won’t be as easy. Your home exterior makeover in NJ will go so much smoother and faster when you hire pressure washing services in NJ to make it look that extra 20%.

Ready to start making over your home? Start smart with a professional pressure washing service from Steel Penn in NJ!
